Provincial Grand Lodge Charitable Donations
Every year members of the Provincial Executive meet to consider how best to respond to the many local charities who either apply or are recommended for funding support.
The Provincial Grand Charity Steward has the unenviable task of proposing which organisations are supported and with what level of funding. There are so many worthwhile charities throughout the Province and the choice of who to support becomes more difficult every year. The amount of funding is determined by the total amount available to disperse, it is never as much as we would like to give and yet it is also true that whatever is given is always gratefully received.
The list of beneficiaries contain many familiar names such as - Prospect, Dorothy House and Salisbury Hospice Trust. Each of these organisations serves a geographical area of the county corresponding to the Provincial divisions of South, Central and North. Our support and that of the many Lodges who raise funds is key to them being able to continue their important work in our communities.
Wiltshire Freemasons continue to support charities which aid victims of crime, our servicemen and women and our young people, especially those in need of additional help and counselling.
some of the charities supported by Wiltshire Freemasons
, consectetua
how we allocate